Author Archives: ninjalevels
Autographed Books available at Apostrophe Books in Long Beach!!
We’re excited to announce that Apostrophe Books is carrying autographed Ninja Levels books!
4712 E. 2nd St; Long Beach, CA 90803
Retiring Ninja Levels Book 1 (1st edition)
Congrats if you have 1 of 555 of the 1st edition of Ninja Levels Book 1! We wanted to do a pretty small run of the first edition, with the hopes of giving a special value to the folks who were there from the beginning.
We added some new artwork and revised a misprinted Ninja Level… more info on that to come. 😉
The 2nd edition is now available and we’ve just printed 5000 of them! So… get your Ninja Level up!!!
It’s never too early to start your ninja training.
Author/artist Kenya Nishihira high-fiving a new level 2 ninja.
Lil ninja in training..
Being a ninja requires focus and determination..
Hard at work! Author/artist of Ninja Levels doing artwork for book debut at LA Times Festival of Books!
Lil ninja Ninja Levels shirt for this weekend! Spin the wheel and win this!
Our Festival of Books ad is in the LA Times today!
Over 100k people will be there at the country’s largest book festival. Â Hope you’ll be there too and come visit us at Booth 830! Â